My sister, Marie, was very sick. She was dying. We prayed to the Lord because she suffered in the past with lupus, and it destroyed her kidney completely. My brother donated one of his kidneys to her, and then she had two beautiful kids but it was too much for her kidney and the kidney collapsed. And for seven years she was suffering with dialysis, and the dialysis was killing her completely. She begged to us, “please, my faith is going down, help me pray.” I said, “Don’t worry.” I love Jesus. I pray all the time. That is my business; I pray and He answers all the time. My sister said, “I can’t take any more dialysis; I’m not responding anymore.” I said, “OK, don’t worry. When God brings you down, that is when Jesus is coming.” Then she called me and said, “There were seven candidates for a new kidney, and I was the only one who had a match.” Now, she says she can run a marathon. I said that Jesus is so powerful just pray and pray…pray the Divine Mercy. Now, she is so beautiful, even her skin and her completion is beautiful. She is a new person.
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We so enjoy the tapes left while Cliff Thigpen is visiting us on Fridays. It’s been a while since we were able to be in chucrh because of Ted and his sleeping habits (which no one dare and try to change) OR since I’ve visited your new website online. Steve & Rick, your sermons really mean a lot to us. Ted is really into witnessing. Every where we go, he gets lost from me and when I go looking, he’s telling someone how Jesus keeps him in His arms and how NO ONE should be without Jesus. Your sermons bring tears to his eyes and he (as well as I) really look forward to hearing them. Thanks so much for Arlington and the wonderful people there, our Sunday School Class, Cliff Thigpen and all those who have been praying for us! God Bless you ALL!