On June 16, 2012, a truck hit me on the crosswalk, and I flew, according to the witnesses 30ft. I thought I died, but I was awake and my leg was broken in three places. I was shocked I landed with no face lacerations. This was a near death experience for me. Now every day, I thank God I’m alive. I now have time to help others, and I now see the beauty of being able to breath. I can now be a mother. I can pick my daughter up from school, and I’m there for her when she needs me. She is no longer getting C’s, D’s, and F’s in school. She is hopefully qualifying for a Jr. Olympic scholarship. I don’t have to work as hard. We have much less, but I give it to the Lord, and with less, I have much more. I have a life – not just work. I plant my garden; I call my great uncle; I talk to my dad; I never had time for any of those things before the accident. My life was just about the almighty dollar. Now, I’m seeing what really matters. God is taking care of us. Life is good.
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