Lungs Completely Healed

When I was 12 years old my grandmother came to live with us. Her name was Jenny and my name is Jenine so I was named after her. I just adored her; she was a very cool grandma. That August she came to live with us, and she had a heart attack in the house. […]


Cured from Leukemia

Twelve years ago, my sister Rose, who lives in Canada and is a nurse, was diagnosed with breast cancer. After 10 years of being cured, the cancer came back, and now two years ago she was diagnosed with Leukemia. She went to the doctor and did the tests, and the next day they told her […]


Artery Blockage Cured

Another one of our greatest gifts is the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. That is a beautiful healing sacrament which the Lord has given us. And on many occasions, the experience I have had with this sacrament is miracle after miracle. Recently, a gentleman who is diabetic, and has had heart problems in […]


Cured of 19 Tumors

For eight months, 2 years old Joshua battled a last stage cancer with a transplantation, 80 chemotherapy cures, and 17 radiotherapy sessions. When nothing worked, his parents took their son to Medjugorje. Back home, tests showed 19 tumors and all bone metastases to be gone as the beginning of Joshua’s now complete recovery. Joshua de […]


Saved By Guardian Angel

I have a daily devotion to Saint Michael the Archangel and the Guardian Angels, where I pray the “Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in battle ….” prayer.   Then I ask Saint Michael the Archangel and Guardian Angel to please protect me from physical and spiritual harm. (I also pray to them for many others […]


Jesus Cured My Carpal Tunnels

About 9 years ago, in 2007, I brought a friend to a healing mass at St. Rita’s Catholic Church. She was suffering from a brain tumor, and I wanted to pray for her healing. The healing mass was quite long and in Spanish (a language I don’t speak lol). However, that didn’t deter God’s healing […]


Cured from Insomnia

More than twenty years ago I started to have problems sleeping. That is when I started taking medication to relax me and to help me get to sleep. It was at the beginning of my faith journey when God was calling me to do things that made me nervous and afraid. In retrospect I can […]


Brain Dead to New Brain

I was 33 when I delivered my second my child. He was 12 days old when I began to have severe headaches from the spinal. My blood pressure had gone way up. The doctor didn’t pay attention to me when I called him up, and I told him I couldn’t even open my eyes because […]